Protect Yourself from

Protect Yourself from any Paternity Fraud Case


More and more men these days are choosing to determine whether the children they have been supporting are actually theirs, thanks to the easy availability of a few affordable online at home DNA test kits at the neighborhood pharmacy.

There is no denying that PaternityUSA  paternity test now has revolutionizedthe child support system. Arguments over who fathered a particular child based on what she or he stated are now wholly irrelevant. Is that actually true? Let us try to find out.

In a significant 1999 report, the AABB (American Association of Blood Banks), which grants accreditation to DNA testing facilities, published their findings of a DNA paternity test. According to the report, 30% of DNA paternity tests conducted nationwide provide negative results.

The first ripple of outrage at the contents of this report was quite minor, but it has increased steadily over the course of the subsequent 17 years, and for good reason.

As more men question their paternity, they are discovering that the courts are not always prepared to release them from financial responsibility, despite DNA proof indicating there is no biological relationship and the fact that paternity fraud is acknowledged and treated as a crime.

The following are three things that you can research before you go for a home paternity test.

1. Lack of accreditations

Any laboratory can declare itself accredited, but if it is, those accreditations ought to be publicly shown on its website.

A laboratory that charges prices that are much less than those of its rivals may be making cost-saving compromises. Consumers have no real way of knowing whether the DNA-testing company has any reputation on the market and whether they can rely on correct results without accrediting authorities doing routine audits.

2. Few labshave a very poor reputation

These days, you can tell whether a business has a stellar reputation in the sector in less than five minutes. You may read actual customer evaluations, investigate the company’s personnel, find out about notable public cases they have worked on, significant business alliances, and more. Specifics to investigate:

  • Who is the Chief Science Officer?
  • How old the lab is?
  • Whether any lab employee has a Ph.D. in DNA analysis?
  • Are you getting the report straight from the lab?
  • 3. Cheap paternity tests offer slow results

It can be frustrating to wait for the results of a paternity test, so receiving quick results without compromising on quality is crucial. Once samples are received at the lab, two business days is an acceptable turnaround time for the results of a postnatal paternity test.

If requested, a skilled lab can even provide one-day findings. A great prenatal paternity test has a 7-day return time despite the substantial analysis needed, and it even offers the option to provide speedier findings upon request and for an additional cost.

Obtaining reliable results is crucial. Although price should not be the only consideration in your crucial choice, it is still vital. A cheaphome DNA testmay produce cheap results that are just not at all worth the marginal cost savings.

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