Kami Hoss Talks About Gingivitis

Kami Hoss Talks About Gingivitis


Gingivitis is a common and mild form of gum disease. It can cause redness and swelling of the gingiva, which refers to the part of the gum around the base of the teeth. Gingivitis may even result in irritation of the gums. It is imperative that people take gingivitis seriously, and visit an experienced dentist like Dr. Kami Hoss to get it treated properly. Gingivitis can lead to much more serious issues like periodontitis and tooth loss if not treated in time. The most common cause of this condition is poor oral hygiene. Maintaining good oral health habits like flossing daily and brushing twice a day properly can prevent and even reverse gingivitis.

Every person has bacteria in their mouths. Most of the bacteria are normal, safe and natural. However, some of them might create plague, which is a sticky, almost invisible film on the teeth. If a person does not clean their teeth thoroughly and regularly, this plague and bacteria might cause infections in the part where the teeth meets the gums, which basically implies to gingivitis. The plague hardens eventually and becomes tartar, which is pretty hard to remove. Tartar might trap more bacteria, thereby worsening gingivitis.  Tartar makes plaque more difficult to remove, creates a protective shield for the bacteria and causes irritation along the gumline. If the plague and tartar remain on the teeth and irritate the gingiva for a long time, then the gums can become swollen and start to bleed easily.  Tooth decay or dental caries may also result in this situation.

Healthy gums are pale pink, firm and tightly fitted around the teeth. Tender gums, swollen or puffy gums, as well as dark red gums might be a sign of gingivitis. Gums that bleed easily while brushing or flossing, bad breath and receding gums are also gingivitis symptoms.  If any person notices these signs of gingivitis in themselves, they must schedule an appointment with an experienced dentist like Dr. Hami Hoss as soon as possible. The sooner they try to seek care; the better chances would a person have to reverse damage from gingivitis and prevent its progression to periodontitis.

Chronic gingiva inflammation is considered to be associated with a few systemic diseases like diabetes, respiratory disease, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke and coronary artery disease. According to certain research, bacteria responsible for periodontitis might enter the bloodstream through the gum tissue, and subsequently affect the lungs, heart and other parts of the body. Trench mouth, also known as necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG), additionally is a severe form of gingivitis that may cause bleeding and infected gums, as well as ulcerations.

To prevent gingivitis, regular dental visits are important. Ideally, dental cleaning should be done every six to twelve months. If a person has risk factors that increase their chances of developing gingivitis, like dry mouth or smoking, they might need professional cleaning more often.  AN annual dental x-ray can also be helpful in identifying diseases that might not be seen by a visual dental examination.

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